L’Institut de Recerca de Sant Pau, en col·laboració amb el Grup de Fisiologia molecular de la sinapsi, organitza el 27 de juny de 2016 a les 15 h, a les Sales Polivalents de l’Hospital, el seminari “Multi-omics and multi-species: strategies for understanding normal molecular function”, a càrrec del Dr. David Talavera, del Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Manchester.
David Talavera started his research career in a Plant Molecular Biology lab. Nevertheless, he quickly switched fields in order to complete a Phd in Computational Biology under the supervision of Professors Xavier de la Cruz and Modesto Orozco. His main focus was the contribution of alternative splicing to the diversity of the proteome. After completing his PhD he went to work with Professor Dame Janet Thornton at the European Bioinformatics Institute. There he studied the deleterious effects of amino acid substitutions. Subsequently, he moved to the University of Manchester, where he has used structural bioinformatics and evolutionary biology approaches, and network analyses in order to characterise the yeast’s (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) interactome and to study the conservation of protein-protein interactions. He has recently been appointed a Lecturer in Genetics/Genomics at the Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences (University of Manchester). Therefore, David Talavera is taking his first academic position and starting a new lab, which will focus on computational systems biology approaches to functional genomics. His main interest is to understand the functional consequences of genome and proteome variation. This not only requires knowledge of the molecules that comprise the biological systems, but also requires an understanding of how these molecules relate with each other.