Acin Garces, Victor FGS
Alvarado Tapias, Edilmar FGS
Bertoletti , Federico FGS
Brujats Rubirola, Anna FGS
Concepcion Martin, Maria del Mar FGS
Cuyas Espi, Berta FGS
Escude Torrella, Laia FGS
Gallego Moya, Adolfo FGS
Garcia Planella, Esther FGS
Giordano, Antonio IR
Gomez Oliva, Cristina FGS
Gonzalez Muñoza, Carlos FGS
Gordillo Abalos, Jorge FGS
Guarner Argente, Carlos FGS
Guinart Cuadra, Albert CIBER
Huerta Velez, Anna IR
Kaur, Naujot FGS
Murzi Pulgar, Marianette Carolina FGS
Pedegral Pascual, Patricia FGS
Poca Sans, Maria FGS
Roig Ramos, Cristina FGS
Roman Abal, Eva Maria FGS
Romero Mascarell, Cristina FGS
Romito, Raffaella FGS
Ros Fargas, Oliva FGS
Sanchez Ardid, Elisabet CIBER
Soriano Pastor, German FGS
Torras Colell, Javier FGS
Villanueva Sanchez, Candido FGS
(JIF 2023)
-Acosta MBD, Fernandez A, Mesonero F, Garcia FJ, Casanova MJ, Fernandez M, Canete F, de Castro L, Gutierrez A, Sicilia B, Cano V, Merino O, de Francisco R, Gonzalez I, Suris G, Torrealba L, Ferreiro R, Castro B, Marquez L, Sobrino A, Elorza A, Calvet X, Varela P, Vicente R, Bujanda L, Lario L, Mancenido N, Garcia MF, Iglesias E, Rodriguez C, Piqueras M, Rosique J, Lucendo AJ, Benitez O, Garcia M, Olivares D, Gonzalez C, Lopez B, Alvarado VJM, Spicakova K, Brotons A, Bermejo F, Almela P, Ispizua N, Gilabert P, Tardillo C, Munoz F, Navarro P, Dominguez R, Sendra P, Hinojosa E, Sainz E, Martin MD, Carpio D, Ricart E, Caballol B, Nunez L, Barrio J, Gisbert JP, Iborra M, Calafat M, Hernandez V, Perez R, Cabriada JL, Domenech E, Rodriguez I, ENEIDA R. Long-Term Outcomes of Biological Therapy in Crohn’s Disease Complicated With Internal Fistulizing Disease: BIOSCOPE Study From GETECCU. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2023; 118(6). DOI:10.14309/ajg.0000000000002152. PMID:36516073. IF:8,000 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Alvarado-Tapias E, Marti-Aguado D, Kennedy K, Fernández-Carrillo C, Ventura-Cots M, Morales-Arraez D, Atkinson SR, Clemente-Sanchez A, Argemi J, Bataller R. Bariatric Surgery Is Associated with Alcohol-Related Liver Disease and Psychiatric Disorders Associated with AUD. Obes Surg. 2023; 33(5):1494-1505. DOI: 10.1007/s11695-023-06490-w. PMID: 36881347. IF:2,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Bas F, Loras C, Pardo A, Ballester R, Huertas C, Guarner C, Colan J, Consiglieri CF, Andujar X, Vilanova M, González F, Pardo L, Maisterra S, Ruiz P, Garcia A, Tebé C, Videla S, Gornals JB. Management of small subepithelial tumors by endoscopic banding without resection and single-incision needle-knife-assisted biopsy sampling: a prospective multicenter study. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. 2023; 98(6). DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2023.05.057. PMID:37263361. IF:6,700 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
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-Bazaga S, Garcia FJ, Tormo J, Moreno BM, Sanchiz V, Suria C, Garcia A, Gornals JB, Chavarria C, Loras C, Garcia FJ, Teran A, Vazquez E, Sanz RP, Perez L, Subtil JC, Perez A, Porta FU, Bea VB, de la Serna C, Garcia IP, Colan J, Huertas C, Guarner C, Perez M, RNPAL Natl lumen M. Endoscopic removal of lumen-apposing metal stents – risk factors for stent embedment, complex removals, and adverse events: analysis from a multicenter prospective case series. ENDOSCOPY. 2023; 55(7). DOI:10.1055/a-2030-4158. PMID:36882089. IF:11,500 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
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-Carrión JA, Graupera I, Vergara M, Morillas RM, Pericàs JM, Poca M, Amador A, Fernández R, Monllor T, Muñoz L, Bartres C, Genescà J, Ginés P, Forns X. Position paper of the Catalan Society of Gastroenterology about hepatic elastography 2022. Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia. 2023; 46(9). DOI:10.1016/j.gastrohep.2022.11.005. PMID:36435378. IF:2,200 (Q3/6D). Document type: Article.
-Casas D, Lamuela LJ, Gomollón F, Arbonés JM, Caballol B, Gisbert JP, Rivero M, Sánchez E, García LA, Casbas AG, Merino O, Márquez L, Laredo V, Martín MD, Serrano PL, Menéndez SR, González C, Parga LD, Moya MC, Fuentes E, Esteve M, Iborra M, Gil MD, Barreiro M, Lorente RH, Mancenido N, Calafat M, Rodríguez I, Capo JG, Payeras MA, Alvarado VJM, Tardillo C, Bujanda L, Munoz JF, Nieto YB, Bermejo F, Almela P, Navarro M, Montiel PM, Gutiérrez CR, Van M, Sesé E, Pérez TM, Ricart E, Chaparro M, García MJ, López A, Sicilia B, Orts B, López A, Martín E, Pérez JL, de Francisco R, García E, Domenech E, García S, G. Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in Elderly Patients with Crohn’s Disease: Real World Evidence From the ENEIDA Registry. Journal of Crohns & Colitis. 2023; 17(1). DOI:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjac108. PMID:35913456. IF:8,300 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Castillo E, Ríos R, Aràjol C, Gely C, Márquez L, Calafat M, González C, Cañete F, Mesonero F, Guardiola J, Garcia E, Mañosa M, Domènech E. Clinical and endoscopic outcomes of patients with colonic Crohn’s disease treated with 5-aminosalicylates as monotherapy. Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia. 2023; 46(3). DOI:10.1016/j.gastrohep.2022.09.003. PMID:36179946. IF:2,200 (Q3/6D). Document type: Article.
-Chaparro M, Acosta D, Rodríguez C, Mesonero F, Vicuña M, Barreiro M, Fernández A, Hernández Á, Arroyo M, Vera I, Ruiz A, Sicilia B, Cabello MJ, Muñoz C, Castro J, Martínez J, Sierra M, Vázquez JM, Vicente R, Bermejo F, Royo V, Calafat M, González C, Leo E, Manceñido N, Torrealba L, Alonso H, Benítez JM, Ber Y, Diz MT, García MJ, Muñoz JF, Armesto EM, Calvet X, Hernández A, Madrigal RE, Menchén L, Pérez JL, Piqueras M, Dueñas C, Botella B, Martínez TDJ, Ramos L, Rodríguez MC, San Miguel E, Fernández JL, Fradejas PM, García M, Gutiérrez A, Llaó J, Sesé E, Boscá M, Iyo E, Keco A, Martínez C, Peña E, Pérez P, Varela P, Gisbert JP. Real-World Evidence of Tofacinitib in Ulcerative Colitis: Short-Term and Long-Term Effectiveness and Safety. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2023; 118(7). DOI:10.14309/ajg.0000000000002145. PMID:36716287. IF:8,000 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-D’Amico G, Zipprich A, Villanueva C, Sordà JA, Morillas RM, Garcovich M, Retortillo MG, Martinez J, Cales P, D’Amico M, Dollinger M, García M, Ballerga EG, Tsochatzis E, Cirera I, Albillos A, Roquin G, Pasta L, Colomo A, Daruich J, Canete N, Boursier J, Dallio M, Gasbarrini A, Iacobellis A, Gobbo G, Merli M, Federico A, Baroni GS, Pozzoni P, Addario L, Chessa L, Ridola L, Garcia G. Further decompensation in cirrhosis. Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements. HEPATOLOGY. 2023; DOI:10.1097/HEP.0000000000000652. PMID:37916970. IF:12,900 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
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-Escorsell A, Garcia JC, Alvarado E, Aracil C, Masnou H, Villanueva C, Bosch J. Pre-emptive TIPS for the treatment of bleeding from gastric fundal varices: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Jhep Reports. 2023; 5(6):100717. DOI:10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100717. PMID:37284139. IF:9,500 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
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-Rowe IA, Villanueva C, Shearer JE, Torres F, Albillos A, Genesca J, Garcia JC, Tripathi D, Hayes PC, Bosch J, Abraldes JG. Quantifying the benefit of nonselective beta-blockers in the prevention of hepatic decompensation: A Bayesian reanalysis of the PREDESCI trial. HEPATOLOGY. 2023; 78(2). DOI:10.1097/HEP.0000000000000342. PMID:36897269. IF:12,900 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Rudler M, Hernandez V, Procopet BD, Giraldez A, Amitrano L, Villanueva C, Ibanez L, Silva G, Genesca J, Bureau C, Trebicka J, Banares R, Krag A, Llop E, Laleman W, Palazon JM, Castellote J, Rodrigues S, Gluud LL, Ferreira CN, Canete N, Rodriguez M, Ferlitsch A, Mundi JL, Gronbaek H, Hernandez M, Sassatelli R, Dell’era A, Senzolo M, Abraldes JG, Romero M, Zipprich A, Casas M, Masnou H, Larrue H, Primignani M, Nevens F, Calleja JL, Schwarzer R, Jansen C, Robic MA, Conejo I, Gonzalez JM, Catalina MV, Albillos A, Alvarado E, Guardascione MA, Mallet M, Tripon S, Casanovas G, Bosch J, Garcia JC, Thabut D, Int Variceal Bleeding O. Hepatic encephalopathy is not a contraindication to pre-emptive TIPS in high-risk patients with cirrhosis with variceal bleeding. GUT. 2023; 72(4):326975. DOI:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-326975. PMID:36328772. IF:23,100 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
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(JIF 2022)