Biological sex has a small but widespread influence on the gene expression of almost every type of human tissue

The Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau participates in a study published in the journal Science that reveals that biological sex has a small but widespread influence on the gene expression of almost every type of human tissue. Genes that are estimated to be expressed at different levels in adult women and men are involved in many different biological processes, including response to medication, control of blood glucose levels during pregnancy, and cancer.

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Sant Pau publishes a study on the pathogenesis of COVID-19

A study led by Dr. Pere Domingo, coordinator of the HIV and AIDS Research Group and hospitalization COVID of the Sant Pau Research Institute -IIB Sant Pau and member of the Infectious Diseases Unit of the Hospital de Sant Pau analyzes the pathogenesis of COVID -19 as the dynamic interaction between four circles that occur simultaneously. One more step to understand the mechanism that the virus uses to bypass the host’s immune defense mechanisms, or the mechanisms it uses to harm, and that will allow designing appropriate strategies to neutralize the dysfunctions or imbalances generated by the virus or by the consequences of the infection.


Sant Pau researchers design a mass sequencing panel for undiagnosed patients with neuromuscular diseases

Thanks to the work coordinated by Dra. Maria Pía Gallano, director of the Genetic Diseases Research Group at the Sant Pau Research Institute, in which researchers from various centers also affiliated to CIBERER have participated, has designed a genetic panel of mass sequencing (NGS) with great power diagnosis for people affected by neuromuscular diseases such as myopathies, muscular dystrophies, and previously undiagnosed congenital myasthenic syndromes.
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With this NGS panel, they analyzed a cohort of 207 patients in Spain and detected the cause of the disease in 102, 49% of them, in 42 genes. Thus, this panel is constituted as a tool for the analysis of genes related to neuromuscular diseases that offers reliable results in a short period of time and relegates invasive techniques to later stages. The work has been published in the journal Genes.
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Research Institute Sant Pau member of the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association

The Fundació Institut de Recerca del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau has recently become a member of the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB), a non-profit association for education and training, promoting advanced research , knowledge and technology transfer, stimulating competitiveness and innovation within the industrial sector, and providing greater international visibility in the field of bioinformatics.

The Research Institute de Sant Pau Foundation joins the IRISCAT Alliance

The Foundation of the Research Institute of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau joins the Aliança Instituts de Recerca i Innovació en salut de Catalunya (IRISCAT). The main objectives of this agreement are the creation of a cooperative workspace that operates under the name IRISCAT to better take advantage of the advantages conferred by the dimension and high level of standards of the healthcare and research organization in which they operate, with the vision of improving the translational and clinical research of the Catalan Health System; also the preparation of a strategic Plan for its development that considers the needs and implications necessary for its implementation and the achievement of the objective of exploitation and integration of economies of scale in the different fields of action and the creation of a Technical Office, with the objective to coordinate the implementation of the execution process of the actions contemplated in the Strategic Plan of the IRISCAT Alliance.

Exheus, a new spin-off that analyzes gene expression, using artificial intelligence, to optimize performance, health and nutrition

Exheus is a recent spin-off born thanks to the research carried out by the Sant Pau Research Institute, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the company Summit SL, which has introduced into the market an innovative technology that analyses gene expression and its alterations, through artificial intelligence, to optimise people’s performance, health and nutrition. The spin-off has been set up within the framework of the Venture Builder ‘The Collider’ programme of the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation.


Sant Pau researchers discover a mutation that increases the risk of breast cancer almost fourfold

Geneticists from the Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau and the IFOM – Instituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare of Milan (Italy), led by doctors Jordi Surrallés and Paolo Peterlongo respectively, have discovered that certain rare mutations in the FANCM gene constitute a predisposition factor for developing ER and triple-negative breast cancer, considered to be the most aggressive and with the worst prognosis among the different types of breast cancer.


CERCA centres for gender equality


The CERCA system is committed to the equality of people and the maximum respect for their different situations and wants to improve the current situation for people and research institutions. The I-CERCA, through its gender commission, is a beneficiary of aid from the State Pact against Gender Violence, which is granted by the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality.

Under these grants, since 2019, a series of tools and training and awareness actions against gender violence have been developed in the academic environment, and specifically for research centres, such as the current video that you can see in more.

You can see the entire video at this link:



Sant Pau leads the way in the creation of a new nanodrug that blocks the tumour cells of acute myeloid leukaemia without damaging healthy ones

Acute myeloid leukemia is a very heterogeneous disease, the usual treatment is very aggressive and with severe side effects. In the investigation of a new, more effective drug, researchers led by the Oncogenesis and Antitumoral Research Group of the Sant Pau Hospital Research Institute – IIB Sant Pau (Ramon Mangues, Isolda Casanova and Víctor Pallarès) attached to the CIBER-BBN, have demonstrated the efficacy of the self-created nanoparticle that blocks the spread of leukemia cells in animal models of acute myeloid leukemia and directly attacks tumor cells without damaging healthy ones, minimizing adverse effects.


The impact of gambling related advertising

We now have the results of the study that analyses the impact of advertising related to gambling carried out at the Sant Pau. The study has been led by Dr. Marta Sancho, from the Addictive Behaviour Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute-IIB Sant Pau and clinical psychologist of the Addictive Behaviour Unit of the Sant Pau Psychiatry Service and was awarded a prize at the 4th ONCE International Competition on Responsible Gambling.


Sant Pau leads the way in the creation of a new nanodrug that blocks the tumour cells of acute myeloid leukaemia without damaging healthy ones

Acute myeloid leukemia is a very heterogeneous disease, the usual treatment is very aggressive and with severe side effects. In the investigation of a new, more effective drug, researchers led by the Oncogenesis and Antitumoral Research Group of the Sant Pau Hospital Research Institute – IIB Sant Pau (Ramon Mangues, Isolda Casanova and Víctor Pallarès) attached to the CIBER-BBN, have demonstrated the efficacy of the self-created nanoparticle that blocks the spread of leukemia cells in animal models of acute myeloid leukemia and directly attacks tumor cells without damaging healthy ones, minimizing adverse effects.


Sant Pau receives a donation of a collection of sculptures and paintings that will enable two research projects to be started in the field of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period for women affected by the Covid-19

Patricia Cancelo, sculptor, painter and journalist, has donated a collection of sculptures and paintings, valued at 10,000 euros, to the Sant Pau, in order to start two research projects in the field of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in women affected by Covid-19. These two studies are part of the more than 30 works initiated by the Sant Pau Research Institute in the field of Covid-19.


Lina Badimon joins the Advisory Board of the Berlin Institute of Health

The Berlin State Senate, at the proposal of the Mayor of this city and the Senator for Science and Research, Michael Müller, recently appointed Lina Badimon, director of the “ICCC Cardiovascular Program” of the Sant Pau-IIB Sant Pau Research Institute and group leader of the CIBERCV, as a new Member of the Supervisory Board of the Berlin Health Institute (BIH Supervisory Board).


For the first time, the Hospital of Sant Pau, the Catalan Foundation for Down and the University of Cambridge describe the natural history of Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down syndrome

One of the world’s leading medical journals, The Lancet, published the article ‘Clinical and biomarker changes of Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Down syndrome: a cross-sectional study’, led by the Alzheimer-Down Unit of Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and the Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down, in collaboration with researchers of the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, promoted by Fundació “la Caixa”.

Link to the article



New pathway discovered to improve the cardioprotective potential of HDL and which is diminished in familial hypercholesterolemia

Researchers in the research group on the Metabolic Basis of Cardiovascular Risk at the Sant Pau Research Institute, attached to CIBERDEM, led by Juan Carlos Escolà-Gil and Francisco Blanco-Vaca, have identified a new metabolic pathway that allows HDLs to transport cholesterol from macrophages in the artery wall and transfer it to LDLs for its subsequent elimination from the body through the liver. The work carried out in collaboration with other Spanish and Finnish researchers has been published in Circulation Research.

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Sant Pau and ChampionChip organize the first race of the new normality

Next Saturday 27th June at 6 p.m., the first regulated race in the new normality will take place at the Sant Pau Modernist complex, organised by the Hospital de Sant Pau and Champion, with the support of the Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. The entire proceeds will be used for the Sant Pau investigation against Covid-19.


“This Marathon touches everyone”: the 29th edition of the TV3 and Catalunya Radio Marathon, dedicated to the Covid-19, starts

The 2020 edition of La Marató of TV3 and Catalunya Radio por Covid-19 will be exceptional and one of the first novelties is the dissemination and awareness campaign, which usually starts in October and, in this edition, starts with a first phase in June with the graphic image, the slogan of the campaign, a new solidarity product and the possibility of already making donations.


Sant Pau publishes Theranostics

Researchers from the Research Group on Lipids and Cardiovascular Pathology at IR Sant Pau and IIBB-CSIC, led by Dr. Vicenta Llorente, have published an article in Theranostics. In the article “Immunization with the Gly1127-Cys1140 amino acid sequence of the LRP1 receptor reduces atherosclerosis in rabbits. Molecular, immunohistochemical and nuclear imaging studies ”have also collaborated researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Hospital Vall d’Hebron in the context of different CIBER groups.


Sant Pau Research Institute building obtains U.S. Green Building Council LEED GOLD certification

The building of the Research Institute of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau has obtained the LEED GOLD certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, which identifies the building as an example of energy efficiency and sustainability both in its construction and in its useful life and demonstrates the leadership of the awarded Institution in favour of energy rationality and the transformation towards a more sustainable building.


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