Amalia Sillero participates in the conferences on health of Navas Civic Center

On November 18, at 6.30 pm, Dr. Amalia Sillero, surgical nurse at the Hospital de Sant Pau and researcher of the Nursing Care Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute – IIB Sant Pau, will give a lecture on “The application of the values of magnetism in the surgical area of a high-tech hospital”, the subject of her doctoral thesis. The session will be done in streaming.

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Sant Pau participates in a study on the impact of Covid-19 on people with Down’s Syndrome

The Memory Unit of the Sant Pau Neurology Service and the Neurobiology of Dementia Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute, led by Dr. Alberto Lleó, have participated in a study on the impact of Covid-19 on individuals with Down syndrome. This work has been developed and carried out by the T21RS Covid-19 working group. The report contains information on symptoms, risk factors and outcomes after a diagnosis of Covid-19 in people with Down syndrome.


I VATS course in animal model

On 10 and 11 November the “I VATS Course in Animal Model” will be held in Sant Pau. This course is aimed at surgeons who are particularly interested in thoracoscopic surgery and combines the technique in the animal model with the broadcast of a live surgery. The lecturers are Dr. Belda, Dr. Cladellas, Dr. Martínez and Dr. Trujillo-Reyes, all from the Sant Pau Thoracic Surgery Service. Attached you will find the course programme.

2020-11 ProgramaVATSmodeloAnimal

Dr. Soria will give the next Science Mondays conference

On 16 November at 6 pm, Dr. José Manuel Soria, head of the Genomics of Complex Diseases Research Group at the Sant Pau Research Institute – IIB Sant Pau and scientific director of Exheus, will give the conference “Risk of thrombosis associated with Covid-19”. For more information, see the programme with the next conferences in the cycle.


Dr. Domingo will give one of the IRISCAT seminars focused on the Covid-19

Dr. Pere Domingo, coordinator of the HIV and AIDS Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute -IIB Sant Pau, will give the webinar “Covid-19 pharmacological interventions” today, 4 November. This seminar forms part of the joint scientific dissemination action of the Alliance of Health Research and Innovation Institutes of Catalonia (IRISCAT), which has organised a series of webinars that will deal with different topics related to biomedical research and Covid-19. The appointment is at 4 pm and registration is free.


Sant Pau will participate in the CARDIOPATCH Project

The CARDIOPATCH project, a territorial cooperation project (Interreg Sudoe Programme) financed through European FEDER funds, will involve the Sant Pau. Dr. Lina Badimon and Dr. Gemma Vilahur, from the ICCC Program of the Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau, will contribute to the development of functionalized patches with therapeutic proteins and enriched with improved stem cells that aim to promote the regeneration of infarcted tissue.

Sant Pau participates in a phase 2 study that achieves positive results on a drug to combat the cognitive complications of Parkinson’s

Dr. Kulisevsky, director of the Movement Disorders Unit of the Sant Pau Hospital Neurology Service and head of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Research Group at the Sant Pau Research Institute, is the principal investigator and international coordinator of a controlled phase 2 drug study that, for the first time in 20 years, is achieving positive results for cognitive complications in Parkinson’s disease. Sant Pau Hospital has also participated as a patient recruitment centre for the study.


Award for the best communication of the SEEN to Luciana Martel

Luciana Martel, PhD student and member of the Pituitary Diseases Research Group at the Sant Pau Research Institute -IIB Sant Pau, led by Susan Webb, has received the award for best paper from the Neuroendocrinology Area for her work “Gender Dimorphism in Skeletal Muscle Fat Infiltration and Associated Muscle Dysfunction in Patients with Controlled Acromegaly” at the congress of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), which was recently held in virtual format.

Sant Pau participates in the online conference on orphan drugs

On 28 October, the “Orphan Drug Designation, Development and Access” conference will take place online for the first time. Among other speakers, Dr. Jordi Minguillón, a researcher with the Sant Pau Research Institute’s Genomic Instability Syndromes and DNA Repair research group, and Dr. Josep Torrent-Farnell, pharmacologist and coordinator of rare diseases and orphan drugs at the Sant Pau Hospital’s Clinical Pharmacology Service, will participate in the conference. Attached you will find the programme and the registration forms.

Journey Programme Online MMHH 2020

Sant Pau celebrates 25 years in the study of hereditary cancer

Today, 19 October, World Breast Cancer Day, the Hospital de Sant Pau also commemorates the fact that the female team formed by Dr. M. Carmen Alonso and Dr. Montserrat Baiget, both from the Hospital de Sant Pau, were pioneers in the study of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer by searching for the mutations in the BRCA 1 and 2 genes that predispose to these two types of disease. The Hospital de Sant Pau currently has one of the largest genetic databases in the world with over 2,000 samples.


ACTIVA’TT for World Thrombosis Day


On the occasion of World Thrombosis Day, the Sant Pau Modernist Site is hosting a commemorative event on Friday 20 November from 5 p.m. to present the ACTIVA’TT Association and its activities in the field of research and prevention. The Mobile Centre for the Evaluation of Vascular Diseases, the Association’s main tool for raising funds to finance research projects at the Sant Pau Research Institute, will also be presented.


Expert sessions at the IIB

The Cerebral Vascular Disease research group, led by Dr. Joan Martí Fàbregas, inaugurates the Sessions of experts in #patologiavascularcerebral of the @scatalananeuro (Catalan Neurology Society) at the IIB Sant Pau in online format. If you want to connect, the appointment is tomorrow Friday, 10/09 at 8:30 am through the following link:

Sant Pau publishes a study on muscular dystrophy in Brain

An investigation by the Research Groups of the Neuromuscular Diseases Unit (Alonso-Pérez and Díaz-Manera) and of Genetic Diseases (Gallano and González-Quereda), of the Sant Pau Research Institute- IIB Sant Pau, has recently been published in the Brain journal. The results of the study, in which 33 hospitals from 13 European countries participated and which collected clinical and genetic data from 439 muscular dystrophy patients, will help to design new clinical trials in a more rational way, while indicating that those therapies that induce protein expression above 30% can produce a significant change in the natural history of the disease.


Dr Guerra appointed member of the EHRA-ESC Scientific Initiatives Committee

Dr. Jose Maria Guerra, an assistant doctor in the Cardiology Service at the Hospital de Sant Pau and coordinator of the Clinical and Translational Cardiology Research Group at the Sant Pau Research Institute, attached to the CIBERCV, has recently been appointed a member of the Scientific Initiatives Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association-European Society of Cardiology (EHRA-ESC).


Sant Pau publishes a study analyzing thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in patients hospitalized with Covid-19

Researchers from Sant Pau have published an article in Frontiers in Medicine (journal of the first quartile of the Internal Medicine area) where they analyse the incidence and predictive factors of pulmonary embolisms or thrombosis in patients hospitalised with Covid-19. The research has concluded that the incidence of 2.6% of pulmonary embolisms or thrombosis in patients hospitalized with Covid-19 is clearly high.

See article


UpPriority, a new tool to prioritise the updating of clinical guide qüestions

Researchers from the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research Group of the Sant Pau Research Institute -IIB, led by Laura Martínez, together with the updating working group of the Guideline International Network and other collaborators, have developed an “UpPriority” tool that provides a simple prioritisation strategy to determine which clinical questions included in a CPG need to be preferentially updated, as detailed by the authors in a recent article published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.


Ayudas para la investigación en cáncer AECC 2020

La Dra. Lorena Alba Castellón, del Grupo de Investigación de Oncogénesis y Antitumorales del Instituto de Investigación del Hospital de Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau, ha obtenido una ayuda postdoctoral de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) para su proyecto Cancer Associated Firbroblast-Tarageted Nanoparticles to Improve Antimetastastic Therapyn Colorectal Cancer. Esta ayuda ha sido entregada por la AECC con motivo del Día Mundial de la Investigación en Cáncer (World Cancer Research Day) que se celebra el 24 de septiembre.


Sant Pau participates in a multicenter study that shows that virgin olive oil enriched with its own antioxidants prevents the accumulation of cholesterol

New research has shown that virgin olive oil enriched with its own phenolic compounds increases the ability of HDL particles (high-density lipoproteins) to transport cholesterol deposited on the arterial wall for subsequent elimination from the body, through the liver and intestine. The work, published in the journal Biomedicines, has been coordinated by researchers from CIBER in the areas of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), the Research Institute and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research (IMIM), Rovira i Virgili University, the University of Lleida and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences-ICVV.

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