The board of directors of the Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute – IIB Sant Pau has just unanimously appointed Prof. Josep Santaló as research ombudsperson of the IIB Sant Pau, at the proposal of the institute’s management.
The research ombudsperson or ombudsman acts as an independent mediating agent in a suspicion of possible scientific misconduct or professional conflicts. This figure ensures compliance with the Code of Good Research Practices and acts to ensure the integrity of the institution’s research. He will chair and collaborate with the Research Integrity Committee of the IIB Sant Pau (CIR-IIB) and will act as a mediator between the institute’s research staff who detect possible scientific misconduct and any person from the one suspected. This position guarantees independence from other institutional bodies, the confidentiality of the institute’s actions and proven experience in the scientific world.
About Dr. Josep Santaló
Dr. Josep Santaló is Professor of Cell Biology at the Faculty of Biosciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he teaches Cell Biology, Reproductive Biology and Bioethics. He has been general coordinator of Biology studies, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Vice-Rector for Research at this university.
His research has focused on the genetic characterization and freezing of mammalian preimplantation embryos, with the development of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis participating in the pioneering group that established it in Spain, oocyte maturation in vitro, animal production transgenics, nuclear reprogramming and the derivation of embryonic stem cells in mice and humans. He is the author of 123 articles in scientific journals, 72 indexed, 27 book chapters and 13 Bioethics documents. He has participated in 27 funded research projects, 12 of which as principal investigator.
He is a member of the Observatory of Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona and of the Ethics Committee for Animal and Human Research and of the Biosecurity Committee of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which he chaired for more than 10 years, as well as from the Hinxton Group: An International Consortium on Stem Cells, Ethics and Law. He has been the editor of the Code of Good Scientific Practices of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
He has also been a member of the Advisory Committee of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) and other societies such as ASEBIR (Association for the Study of the Biology of Reproduction), the International Society for Stem Cell Research, la Societat Catalana de Biologia, la Societat Espanyola de Fertilitat i la British Society for the Study of Fertility.
Update of the Code of Good Research Practices of the IIB Sant Pau
The appointment coincides with the update of the “Good Scientific Practices Code” which is now called the “Good Research Practices Code”. The new version has been updated and adapted to the CERCA conduct code and includes, among other improvements, wording with inclusive language, the RRI principles and the institute’s RRI plan, as well as various legal aspects and institutional. The new code is also aligned with the mandatory European scientific integrity framework (ALLEA code).