Scott Sodeling will impart the new IIB Sant Pau seminar

The Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau) in collaboration with the Molecular Physiology Research Group of the Synapsi, led by Dr. Àlex Bayés, organizes the seminar “Charting the Molecular Landscape of Diverse Synapses In Vivo” by Prof. Scott Soderling, Professor and Professor of Cell Biology and scientific director of Transgenic Shared Resource – Duke University. The appointment is next Monday, July 8 at 3 pm in the multipurpose rooms.
Also remember that the session of July 3, by Dr. Analia Bortolozzi has been postponed in October.

Dr. Borja Ibáñez will impart the new IIB Seminar

The IIB Sant Pau in collaboration with the Molecular and therapeutic pathology research group of atherothrombotic and ischemic diseases, led by Prof. Lina Badimon, organizes the seminar entitled: “Cardiotoxicity for anthracyclines and mitochondria” by Dr. Borja Ibáñez.
Dr. Ibáñez is director of the Department of Clinical Research and head of the Translational Image and Cardiovascular Therapy Laboratory of the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC). The appointment is next June 26 at 3 pm in the multipurpose rooms.

Digital Health #Sant Pau

On 8th of May the first talk of “BHH Talks with Hospital Sant Pau” was held at the Barcelona Health Hub (BHH) premises (Sant Manel Pavillion of the Sant Pau Art Nouveau site). The event was organised by #Iibsantpau and BHH.  13 startups of the BHH presented their projects to a multidisciplinary group of researchers, nurses and physicians of the  Hospital Sant Pau and the Sant Pau Research Institute #recercasantpau. A round table titled “Challenges and Opportunities in digital Health” was celebrated afterwards with the intervention of Dra Helena Bascuñana (Chief of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service), Dra Iluminada Corripio (Psychiatrist of the Psychiatry Service #Hospital Sant Pau) and Oscar García-Esquirol from Mediktor together with Oscar Flores from Madeofgenes.


The round table allowed us to share opinions about the future of digital Health in our national Health service. The discussion focused on the barriers to entry when introducing new technologies in the Medical System and how to overcome them.

Seminar of Prof. Dr. Paul HA Quax

The Sant Pau Research Institute, in collaboration with the Cardiovascular Disease Biomarkers Group, organizes the next seminar of Prof. Dr. Paul HA Quax “Inflammation and immune modulation in accelerated Atherosclerosis in vein Grafts” invited by Dr. Teresa Padró, coordinator of the group. Dr. Paul HA Quax is a professor at Leiden University Medical Center. The appointment is on 16 January at 10.30 a.m. in the auditorium of Pavilion 11 (former convent).

Research Institute Seminar

On Wednesday 9 January at 3 p.m., the seminar: Synaptic Autoimmunity and Brain and Mind Disease will take place in the Multipurpose Rooms of the Sant Pau Hospital (Block A, 2nd floor). The seminar will be given by Dr. Josep Dalmau, from the Neurology Department of the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clínic.

Dr. Morten S. Olensen will give the next seminar of the Institut de Recerca

The Research Institute of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in collaboration with the Group of Cardiovascular Diseases of the IIB Sant Pau, organizes next October 31 the Seminar “The Genetics of Atrial fibrillation”. by Dr. Morten S. Olensen, associate professor who directs the LCM laboratory at The Heart Center Rigshospitalet, the University Hospital of Copenhagen and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Invited by Dr. Leif Hove-Madsen, from the Cardiac Rhythm and Contraction group. Cardiovascular diseases, from the Research Institute. The appointment at 3 p.m. in the multipurpose rooms.

Three more appointments with the IIB seminars

Dr. Francisco Sánchez-Madrid is the protagonist of the first of the appointments of the month, scheduled for October 3, but from Research we have prepared three more seminars this month. All of them will give their conferences, as always, at 3 pm.

  • Monday 8th October:
    Dr. Juan A. Bueren: “Gene Therapy in patients with Fanconi anaemia”, invited by Dr. Jordi Surrallés, director of the Genetics Service of the Sant Pau Hospital.
  • Wednesday 10 October:
    Dr. Kati Öörni: “The susceptibility of LDL particles to Aggregate predictive future cardiovascular deaths”, invited by Dr. Juan Carlos Escolà, from the group of Metabolic bases of cardiovascular risk and Dr. José Luis Sánchez Quesada, from Cardiovascular Biochemistry, both from the São Paulo Research Institute.
  • Wednesday 31 October:
    Dr. Morten S. Olesen: “The Genetics of Atrial fibrillation”, invited by Dr. Leif Hove-Madsen from the Rhythm and Contraction group. Cardiovascular diseases, from the Research Institute.

Dr. Francisco Sánchez Madrid will participate in the next IIB seminar

The Research Institute in collaboration with the Cardiovascular Programme ICCC is organising, on 3 October at 3 p.m., in the multipurpose rooms of the Hospital de Sant Pau, the seminar “Inmune intercelular communication: transfer of genetic information (miRNAs and MitDNA) through the immunological Synapse” by Dr. Francisco Sánchez Madrid, director of the Immunology Service and scientific director of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital Universitario de la Princesa. Dr. Sánchez Madrid has been invited by Professor Lina Badimon and Dr. Gemma Vilahur.

Seminar: The Alba synchrotron, a working tool for the research of the IIB Sant Pau?

The Saint Paul Research Institute in collaboration with the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Unit, organizes on Tuesday 18 September at 15 h, in the Multipurpose Rooms of the Hospital (Floor 2, Block A), the seminar: the Alba synchrotron, a working tool for the research of the IIB Sant Pau?, directed by Dr. Manel Sabés.

Run for the Research

On Sunday 19 November will take place in Les Franqueses del Vallès the 6th. edition of the race “Los 10 kilómetros de Les Franqueses” with the collaboration of the Town Hall of this locality and the endorsement of the Catalan Athletics Federation. The collection of all the editions of the career is destined to the Clinical Research Group in Oncology of the IIB, led by Dr. Agustín Barnadas, specifically in the field of kidney cancer research, for which Dr. Pablo Maroto is responsible.

More information:

We encourage you to participate in this race of solidarity with Research.

1st Interhospital Conference on Genetics in Catalonia

On November 27th, the Genetics Service of the Hospital de Sant Pau organizes the 1st Interhospital Conference on Genetics in Catalonia with the aim of bringing together all the professionals from the different hospitals in the territory, with Service, Unit or Laboratory of this specialty, involved in genetic diagnosis within the context of healthcare. The day will take place in the Hospital’s conference room.
With approximately 200 registered and the sponsorship of 16 companies and entities of the sector, the conference aims to visualize the current situation of hospital genetics in Catalonia, define what is the trend of the sector following the incorporation of new technologies for genetic analysis and what is the present and future relationship between hospitals and companies in the genetic diagnosis sector. The role of hospital genetics in personalized medicine will also be discussed, with presentations of pilot projects in the fields of oncology and minority diseases.
The conference will be attended by the Director General of Health Research and Innovation of the Generalitat de Catalunya and all the directors of Service of the main hospitals in Catalonia.

See program

Open doors on Parkinson’s in Sant Pau

The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Unit of the Hospital’s Neurology Service organizes an informative conference on this disease for patients with a newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease. The goal is to offer help to patients and family members to better understand the nature of this disease and recognize the best available treatment options and their implications. The appointment will take place next Tuesday 31st October in the multipurpose rooms of the Hospital de Sant Pau.

More information

Dr. Matti Jauhiainen will give the next session of the Seminars 2017

On Monday 23 October at 3 p. m., in the multi-purpose rooms of the Hospital, the San Pablo Research Institute, with the collaboration of the Grupo de Bases metabólicos del riesgo cardiovascular of the IIB Sant Pau, organized the seminar “Excess absorption in highly energetic diets and its effects on lipid metabolism”, given by Dr. Matti Jauhiainen, of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

Sessió Inaugural de la 8ena. edició del Màster ICACS

El dimecres 4 d’octubre a les 15.30h tindrà lloc a la Sala de Graus de la Unitat Docent de Sant Pau (UAB) la sessió inaugural de la 8a Edició del Màster de Recerca Aplicada en Ciències de la Salut (ICACS). Durant l’acte, el Dr. José I. Emparanza, Cap de la Unitat d’Epidemiologia Clínica de l’Hospital Universitari de Donostia i Professor de Medicina Preventiva i Salut Pública de la Universitat del País Basc, impartirà la conferència: “Existeix evidència de que la MBE (Medicina basada en la evidència) funciona en la pràctica?”.

Per més informació, cliqueu aquí

Dr. Modesto Orozco will give the new seminar of the IIB Sant Pau

The Institut de Recerca de l’ Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in collaboration with La Plataforma de Serveis Científic Tècnics, organizes the seminar “Towards in Silico Humanos”, led by Dr. Modesto Orozco, Structural and Computational Biology, IRB Barcelona.

The Seminar will take place on 26 September at 3 p. m. in the multi-purpose rooms of the Hospital.

A race for kidney cancer research

Next November 20, at 10 am, the fifth edition of “10 km of Les Franqueses” will kick off. A race organized by the Athletics Club in 4 km and the Municipal Sports Board of Les Franqueses del Vallès, whose economic return which will allocated to the IIB Sant Pau’s research against kidney cancer.

Open Day in Parkinson Disease

IIB Sant Pau, in collaboration with Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau ( Unit of Parkinson and Movement Disorders, Neurology Service),  is pleased to invite you to the “Open Day in Parkinson Disease” to be held on October 20, 2016, 18:00h.

Please do outreach to people who believe might be interested.



El Servei d’Epidemiologia Clínica – Centre Cochrane Iberoamericà, en col·laboració amb l’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau, organitza la xerrada de la

Dra. Laura Sampietro-Colom, Cap d’Avaluació d’Innovacions i Noves Tecnologies de l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona


“L’avaluació de tecnologia als hospitals. Resultat del projecte europeu: AdhopHTA”


Dia, hora i lloc

Dimarts 5 de juliol de 2016 a les 15:30 h.

Sales Polivalents Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

(entrada pel carrer de Sant Quintí, 89 Planta 2a Bloc A, Barcelona)

Seminari Científic

L’Institut de Recerca de Sant Pau, en col·laboració amb el Grup de Fisiologia molecular de la sinapsi, organitza el 27 de juny de 2016 a les 15 h, a les Sales Polivalents de l’Hospital, el seminari “Multi-omics and multi-species: strategies for understanding normal molecular function”, a càrrec del Dr. David Talavera, del Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Manchester.
David Talavera started his research career in a Plant Molecular Biology lab. Nevertheless, he quickly switched fields in order to complete a Phd in Computational Biology under the supervision of Professors Xavier de la Cruz and Modesto Orozco. His main focus was the contribution of alternative splicing to the diversity of the proteome. After completing his PhD he went to work with Professor Dame Janet Thornton at the European Bioinformatics Institute. There he studied the deleterious effects of amino acid substitutions. Subsequently, he moved to the University of Manchester, where he has used structural bioinformatics and evolutionary biology approaches, and network analyses in order to characterise the yeast’s (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) interactome and to study the conservation of protein-protein interactions. He has recently been appointed a Lecturer in Genetics/Genomics at the Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences (University of Manchester). Therefore, David Talavera is taking his first academic position and starting a new lab, which will focus on computational systems biology approaches to functional genomics. His main interest is to understand the functional consequences of genome and proteome variation. This not only requires knowledge of the molecules that comprise the biological systems, but also requires an understanding of how these molecules relate with each other.

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