18:00 h New Talk at CC Navas: The benefits of probiotics – Dr Eva Román

On Thursday, December 14 at 18:00 h, Dr Eva Roman, Nurse, EUI-Sant Pau Professor and Liver Disease Research Coordinator IIB Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center on the benefits of probiotics.

The microbiota is the group of microorganisms that are found in our body: the mouth, the lungs, the intestines, the mucous membranes of the genitals, the skin… When we talk about the intestinal microbiota, we refer to the group of bacteria present in the digestive tract and that have very important functions in health and illness. Probiotics can modulate the gut microbiota, gut permeability and immune response and therefore could improve cognitive function and quality of life in people.

Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:30 h. New talk at the CC Vil·la Urània: Obstetric violence: research with a gender perspective – Dr Anna Olivella

On Wednesday, November 29 at 18:00 h,  Dr Anna Olivella, a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Vil·la Urània Civic Center about obstetric violence and how to investigate it from a gender perspective.

During this talk, Dr Anna Olivella will talk about obstetric violence, what research is done from a leading research center like Sant Pau and the repercussions it can have on women’s health.

Address: C/Saragossa, 29, 08006 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 20:00 h


18:30 h New talk at the Sagrada Familia Library: Research in biomarkers – Dr. Daniel Alcolea

On Friday, November 17 at 18:30 h, Dr. Daniel Alcolea, researcher of the Neurobiology of Dementias group at IR Sant Pau and Neurologist in the Memory Unit at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Sagrada Familia Library about what biomarkers are and why they are important.

Join us to explore the latest advances in diagnostic markers of Alzheimer’s disease. Discover the innovative technologies that are transforming our understanding of this disease and getting closer and closer to better treatments.

Activity within the framework of Science Week 2023.

Adress: C/ de Provença, 480, 08025 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 19:30 h


18:00 h New talk at the CC Guinardó: The accumulation of cholesterol and its consequences – Carla Borràs

On Wednesday, November 22 at 18:00 h, Carla Borràs, researcher at the Research Group on the Physiopathology of Diseases Characterized by Lipid Alterations, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center about cholesterol accumulation and its consequences: how to prevent and treat it .

In this talk, you will be able to discover what cholesterol is, what types exist and what are the consequences of the accumulation of the LDL type. In addition, you will learn about hypercholesterolemia, the different treatments that exist and the research that is currently being carried out on this topic.

Address: Rda Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 19:00 h – 20:00 h


Primera jornada d’innovació en recerca del Campus Sant Pau

Des de l’Institut de Recerca Sant Pau es fomenta la innovació i transferència per tal d’impulsar els projectes dels nostres recercadors i aportar avenços a la societat. Amb aquest objectiu, el 8 de novembre de 9 a 13h, es durà a terme la primera jornada dedicada a la innovació “Innovation Day” per tal d’apropar els diferents agents de l’ecosistema R+D+i en salut als professionals del Campus Sant Pau.

La primera edició d’aquesta jornada comptarà amb la participació de representants del sector públic i privat com inversors, farmacèutiques, medtech, biotechs, consultories, i el departament de recerca i universitats, entre d’altres. Vine i no deixis perdre aquesta oportunitat per conèixer els agents disposats a col·laborar i donar una empenta als projectes innovadors. És una gran oportunitat per fomentar la col·laboració público-privada, generació de consorcis i establir nous contactes amb l’ecosistema de salut.

Per tal d’assegurar una trobada win-win que vetlli i estigui alineat amb els vostres interessos, s’han tingut en compte les àrees de recerca i programes transversals establerts.

Només amb la vostra participació, aconseguirem posicionar el Campus Sant Pau com a centre d’innovació en salut.

Assegura’t una de les 80 places amb la pre-inscripció a través del següent enllaç

18:30 h New talk at CC Vil·la Urània: Why is it important to research with a gender perspective? – Dr Mª Rosa Ballester

On Wednesday, October 25 at 18:30 h, Dr Mª Rosa Ballester, Head of Research and Innovation Responsible for the IR-IIB Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Centro Cívico Vila Urania on why it is important to research with a gender perspective.

During this talk, Dr. Rosa Ballester will talk to us about the differences between sex and gender in a scientific context, about the current situation and what the needs are and how the Sant Pau Research Institute incorporates the gender perspective in its activity.

Address: C/ Saragossa, 29, 08006 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 20:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Navas: Where do we keep memories? Memory and the brain – Érika Sánchez

On Tuesday, September 19 at 18 h., Érika Sánchez, predoctoral researcher in the Neurobiology of Dementias – Memory Unit, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center about the brain, memory and memories.

Where do we keep memories? Why are some memories etched in our minds in more detail than others? What can we do to improve our memory? In this talk, we will discuss everything that is known about the different types of memory in addition to giving a small introduction to dementia and the work we carry out in our research at IIB Sant Pau.

Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


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