Annual accounts

 Annual Accounts

This section makes available information regarding the most recent HSCSP-IR’s annual financial statements. Each document includes an audit report prepared by an audit firm.

2023 Financial and Audit Reports – 2023 Financial report

2022 Financial and Audit Reports –  2022 Financial report

2021 Financial and Audit Reports – 2021 Financial report

2020 Financial and Audit Reports – 2020 Financial report

2019 Financial and Audit Reports – 2019 Financial report

2018 Financial and Audit Reports2018- IR AUDITORIA I CCAA (Aprovades i Signades)

2017 Financial and Audit Reports2017-IR Auditoria i CCAA 6934

2016 Financial and Audit ReportsIRHSCSP – Comptes anuals auditats any 2016

2015 Financial and Audit ReportsIRHSCSP – Comptes anuals auditats any 2015

2014 Financial and Audit ReportsIRHSCSP – Comptes anuals auditats any 2014

2013 Financial and Audit ReportsIRHSCSP – Comptes anuals auditats any 2013

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