
The Sant Pau Hospital Research Institute creates a new line of research in diabetes and obesity

The External Scientific Committee of the Research Institute of the Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau, at the proposal of the Director of the Institute, Dr. Jordi Surrallés, has approved the creation of a new line of research in diabetes and obesity, led by Dr. Josep Julve, within the Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Group led by Dr. Didac Mauricio.

Doctorate in Biology at the University of Barcelona, and with a prominent career in the last eight years, Dr. Josep Julve has worked as a Miguel Servet program researcher at IIB Sant Pau. His stabilization will allow him to continue his line of research in the new group, which focuses on the study of the molecular bases of cell injury and metabolic damage in different target organs in diabetes and its associated metabolic conditions. It also contemplates the search for new candidates for biomarkers of interest for the diagnosis/prognosis, both of the related cardiometabolic risk and of the effect of different interventions with action on the pathophysiology of the main complications of obesity and diabetes, in particular liver and heart diseases. The new line of research will enhance the basic and translational research of this group, based on evidence and with the ultimate goal of improving the clinical management of the patient.

“The purpose of this new line is to promote basic and translational research in a poorly defined and addressed field in IR. There is no other group in IR that specifically focuses its activity on research on new candidates for non-invasive circulating biomarkers for the diagnosis/prognosis of cardiometabolic complications in different organs/systems, especially heart and liver -often associated with diabetes and obesity- or in the evaluation of new therapeutic strategies to combat their progress in experimental models and in patients in contexts of high metabolic stress such as obesity and diabetes” says Dr. Julve.

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