Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Main lines of research

  • Investigation of the genetic basis of venous and arterial thrombosis. GAIT-1 andGAIT-2 projects.
  • Investigation of new antithrombotic drugs: thrombin inhibitors, molecules against activated factor X, low molecular weight heparin with oral activity, among others.
  • Biomarkers of prothrombotic states in patients under 55 years with venous thromboembolic disease, acute ischaemic stroke, or acute myocardial infarction. VEREMA project.
  • Applied clinical development of the self-management model of oral anticoagulant treatment.
  • Mathematical models of prediction of the individual risk of thromboembolic disease. RETROVE and PAN projects.
  • CITA project. Centre for Antithrombotic Therapy Management. Research into a new ambulatory management model for patients receiving any kind of antithrombotic therapy (anti vitamin-K, new oral anticoagulants, low molecular weight heparins, antiplatelets) by incorporating new educational programmes, specialized nursing and new communication technologies.


  • Study QTL detected in GAIT-1 families in relation to phenotypes of haemostasis with thrombosis risk (resistance to activated protein C, factor VIII, homocysteine, factor XII, body mass index and others).
  • Replicate QTL related to thrombosis in GAIT-1 families by means of the linkage analysis using new GAIT-2 families.
  • Conduct genome-wide association study (GWAS) of phenotypes involved in GAIT-1.
  • GWAS of phenotypes included in GAIT-2.
  • Analyse RNA expression in the GAIT-2 families.
  • Investigate miRNA associated with thromboembolic disease in GAIT-2.
  • Complete recruitment for the RETROVE project.
  • Recruit team for the MIRTO project (Modelling Individual Risk of Thrombosis in Oncology), with the goal of establishing an individual risk score for venous thromboembolism (RETROVO sub-project) and for ischaemic stroke (SINO subproject) in patients with cancer.
  • Research plasma proteins associated with the risk of venous thromboembolism by using high affinity proteomics developed
    at Karolinska Institutet. VEREMA project, joint collaboration between the European case-control studies VEBIOS (Sweden), RETROVE (from our unit) and MARTHA (France).
  • Continue collaboration with the RCV Spanish cardiovascular patient network and with other European groups, mainly with the goal of applying GAIT project findings to cohorts of patients with venous and arterial thrombosis in Spain and other European countries.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of an educational programme for patients taking antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and/or clopidogrel) in reducing severe complications: EDUCANT clinical trial.

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