Research has highlighted an indisputable fact: sex and gender identity directly influence health, well-being, and the progression of diseases. So much so that today, no research or healthcare activity can be considered complete without an authentic gender perspective.
At the Institut de Recerca Sant Pau (IR Sant Pau), we believe that research on women’s health and the incorporation of the sex and gender perspective in research projects should be an essential part of our center’s agenda.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8M) and in connection with the IR Sant Pau’s Transversal Health and Gender Program, we are introducing a new tool to guide our research staff in evaluating their research with a gender perspective: the Hipatia checklist.
From now on, the Ethics Committee for Research with Medicines (CEIm) will incorporate this checklist as an essential document when submitting a protocol for evaluation.
The CEIm is an independent body that, according to the legal provisions that accredit it, is tasked with ensuring the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of the subjects involved in a trial, as well as providing a public guarantee of this protection by reviewing and approving the protocol, the investigator’s suitability, the facilities, and the materials and methods to be used in obtaining and documenting the informed consent of the subjects.
Consult the checklist here.