
Sant Pau has initiated more than 30 research projects on the new coronavirus

The Sant Pau Institute for Biomedical Research (IIB Sant Pau) has initiated more than 30 research projects to combat and learn more about the new coronavirus and Covid-19 disease. The projects are developed in different research areas in order to have a global vision of the disease.

The Sant Pau research projects are especially aimed at improving the treatment of patients affected by Covid-19 (including several clinical trials with drugs), identifying genetic and biochemical factors that will make it possible to predict the prognosis of patients and which will cause serious respiratory complications, to investigate which pathologies and previous treatments can influence the clinical evolution of patients, to make improvements in the diagnosis of Covid-19, to increase the knowledge of the immune response to the infection, to study how Covid-19 affects neurological and mental health, as well as to study the populations at the level of the epidemiology of the pandemic.

The projects of the IIB Sant Pau in Covid-19 have been presented, through or with the knowledge of the support structure for researchers of the Institut d’Investigació de l’Hospital de Sant Pau, in numerous calls opened by the Catalan Agency for Healthcare Quality and Assessment (Aqua), the Department of Health / Biocat, the Daniel Bravo-Andreu Foundation, the “la Caixa” Foundation, the Carlos III Health Institute, the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Program, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the Spanish National Research Council, etc. Others have private support or have been promoted with their own funds.


These are the research projects at Covid-19 from Sant Pau:

Projects in progress with funding granted in the calls from the Directorate General for Health Research and Innovation / Biocat and the Carlos III Health Institute

  • Pilot, open-label, randomized clinical trial of combined use of hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Tocilizumab for treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) infection.
  • Variability in immune response genes and prediction of severe SARSCoV-2 infection (INMUNGEN-CoV2 study).
  • Use of biomarker of the pulmonary interstitial disease (KL-6) to stratify the risk of severe pneumonia in patients with COVID-19.
  • Immune response to Covid-19 in hospital workers: identification of suitable donors for hyperimmune plasma therapy.
  • MIND / Covid-19: Impact on mental health and needs associated with Covid-19: a comprehensive national assessment in Spain. 


Observational studies, clinical studies and new medical devices

  • Development of a portable ventilator for use in Hospital ICUs. Worldwide.
  • Evolution of Covid-19 in anticoagulated or antiaggregate patients. CROWN study.
  • COVIZUMAB-6: Case-control study: use of endovenous tocilizumab (IL6 RECEPTOR INH.) in the cytokine release syndrome caused by acute SARS-COV2 infection.
  • Is Covid-19 infection a prognostic factor for the patient with acute ischemic stroke? COVICTUS study.
  • Covid-19 infection in the first trimester of pregnancy: seroprevalence and impact on placental function.
  • Prediction of the risk of sepsis-induced coagulopathies in patients with Covid-19.
  • Evaluation of the psychosocial impact on health professionals exposed during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
  • Patients with Malignant Solid Tumours with Covid-19 infection in Catalonia: Multicentric Retrospective Study (CAT-ONCOVID STUDY).
  • Impact of estrogens on the evolution of Covid-19 infection. E-Covid19 study.
  • Pulmonary thrombosis in patients with Covid-19 (TROMCOVID).


Other projects financed by own funds, donations or pending financing

  • Rapid systematic review of the literature and development of guidance on interventions to reduce the mental health impact of health professionals acting on Covid-19.
  • Clinical trial on acute functional inhibition of HMGCoAr by intravenous administration of atvastatin to neutralize Covid-19-induced cytokine storm, ARDS and death (INTRATOR).
  • Utility of the biomarker Krebs von den Lung (KL-6) for risk stratification of severe interstitial lung disease in patients with Covid-19 primoinfection
  • Use of a portable IR spectrometer combined with multivariate analysis to discriminate healthy patients from SARS-CoV-2 infected patients.
  • Placental and maternal cardiac function in Covid-19 affected pregnancies and prediction of poor maternal and perinatal outcome.
  • Multi-center retrospective and prospective cohort study of patients hospitalized by Covid-19: comparative analysis of clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics, prognostic factors, outcomes and costs.
  • Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in people with obesity and/or diabetes mellitus in Catalonia – epiCOVID19DMO study.
  • Analysis of the immune response to Covid-19 in health workers.
  • Characterization of the immunophenotypic and gene expression of PD1 in CD8+ T lymphocytes in patients with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • Detection and monitoring of neurological damage in Covid-19 patients using serological biomarkers.
  • Impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on cancer treatment with radiotherapy
  • EPICOVID. Early lung injury in Covid-19.
  • Genetic variants as determinants of the severity of Covid-19.
  • Stop the enemy at the gates: a therapeutic strategy to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus before it enters the cell.
  • Stratification of patients with Covid-19 according to the depleted CD8+ T-cell signature for personalized treatment.
  • Population-based study of the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and its impact on health.
  • Clinical characteristics and prognosis of Covid-positive patients or possible cases followed up in primary care: Covid-AP study
  • Cohort study on the influence of sedative drugs on the survival of patients infected by Covid-19 who require mechanical ventilation
  • Influence of change in care flows on mortality or survival of the population during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Predicción del Riesgo de Coagulopatia Inducida por Sepsis en pacientes con COVID19 – PRECIS – COVID19


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