

Workshop Avenços en Cardiometabolisme

El divendres 25 de gener, al Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, tindrà lloc el Workshop Avenços en Cardiometabolisme. Una jornada on facultatius i investigadors de reconegut prestigi presentaran els av...

La Unitat d’Imatge Cardíaca de Sant Pau publica a la British Medical Journal Open Sport & Exercise Medicine

La Unitat d'Imatge Cardíaca, del Servei de Cardiologia de Sant Pau, i investigadors de l'IIB Sant Pau, han publicat recentment a la prestigiosa revista British Medical Journal Open Sport & Exe...

The Sant Pau Heart Image Unit publishes in the British Medical Journal Open Sport & Exercise Medicine

The Heart Image Unit, the Cardiology Service of Sant Pau, and researchers from the IIB Sant Pau, have recently been published in the prestigious British Medical Journal Open Sport & Exercise Medic...

Our spin-off company GlyCardial Diagnostics has received the SME instrument phase II funding of the H2020 programme

We are proud to anounce that our spin-off company GlyCardial Diagnostics has received the SME instrument phase II funding of the H2020 programme to advance in the development of our novel test f...

Primera reunió del projecte ERA-NET NEURON TREAT-SYNGP

Durant el 13 i el 14 de Desembre es va celebrar a l Institut de Recerca de l Hospital de Sant Pau, la primera reunió del projecte ERA-NET NEURON TREAT-SYNGP (Synaptic Dysfunction in Intellectual Disa...
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