Recerca traslacional en el camp del diagnòstic i tractament de trastorns urològics. volem continuar projectes actius, desenvolupar noves línies de recerca, augmentar el nombre de publicacions internacionals, en la formació de professionals i augmentar la col·laboració amb l’hospital i els grups universitaris per a millorar el nostre coneixement, sobre els trastorns renals i per tant millorar atenció sanitària a pacients
Recerca traslacional en el camp del diagnòstic i tractament de trastorns urològics. volem continuar projectes actius, desenvolupar noves línies de recerca, augmentar el nombre de publicacions internacionals, en la formació de professionals i augmentar la col·laboració amb l’hospital i els grups universitaris per a millorar el nostre coneixement, sobre els trastorns renals i per tant millorar atenció sanitària a pacients
Algaba Arrea, Fernando F. PUIGVERT
Angerri Feu, Oriol F. PUIGVERT
Breda, Alberto F. PUIGVERT
Bujons Tur, Ana F. PUIGVERT
Errando Smet, Carlos F. PUIGVERT
Gallioli, Andrea F. PUIGVERT
Ponce de Leon Roca, Javier F. PUIGVERT
Rodriguez Faba, Oscar F. PUIGVERT
Sanguedolce, Francesco F. PUIGVERT
(JIF 2023)
-Afferi L, Longoni M, Moschini M, Gandaglia G, Morgans AK, Cathomas R, Mattei A, Breda A, Scarpa RM, Papalia R, de Nunzio C, Esperto F. Health-related quality of life in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer treated with androgen receptor signaling inhibitors: the role of combination treatment therapy. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES. 2023; DOI:10.1038/s41391-023-00668-0. PMID:37055663. IF:5,100 (Q1/1D). Document type: Review.
-Algaba F, Nesi G. Brief history of the who blue books on urinary and male genital tumours. Pathologica. 2023; 115(1). DOI:10.32074/1591-951X-840. PMID:36852884. IF:4,400 (Q1/2D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Andras I, Pecoraro A, Piana A, Prudhomme T, Campi R, Hevia V, Boissier R, Crisan N, Breda A, Territo A, en representacion del EAU G. Aims and limits to compare open vs. robotic assisted kidney transplantation. Actas Urologicas Espanolas. 2023; 47(4). DOI:10.1016/j.acuro.2022.10.001. PMID:36372359. IF:1,200 (Q3/8D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Andras I, Piana A, Verri P, Telecan T, Gallioli A, Prudhomme T, Hevia V, Baboudjian M, Boissier R, Crisan N, Campi R, Breda A, Territo A, European Assoc Urology E, Young Acad Urologists Y, Kidney Transplantation Working GRP. Systematic review of techniques and devices used to avoid warm ischemia time injury during kidney transplantation. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023; 41(4). DOI:10.1007/s00345-023-04328-9. PMID:36826486. IF:2,800 (Q2/3D). Document type: Review.
-Angerri O, Gracia S, Rousaud F, Kanashiro A, Emiliani E. Entering into 2.0 cystinuria management with a medical digital tool to monitor urine pH: A prospective, randomized study. Actas Urologicas Espanolas. 2023; 47(9). DOI:10.1016/j.acuro.2023.02.004. IF:1,200 (Q3/8D). Document type: Article.
-Angerri O, Gracia S, Rousaud F, Kanashiro A, Emiliani E. Entering into 2.0 cystinuric management with a medical digital tool to monitor urine pH: a prospective, randomized study. Actas Urologicas Espanolas. 2023; 47(9). DOI:10.1016/j.acuroe.2023.04.004. PMID:37086842. IF:1,200 (Q3/8D). Document type: Article.
– Angerri, O., Boeykens, M., Tailly, T. Mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. In: Denstedt, J.D., Liatsikos, E.N. (eds) Percutaneous Renal Surgery. 2023; p.199-216. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-40542-6_13. Document type: Book Chapter.
-Angulo JC, Álvarez JL, Domínguez JL, Moyano JL, Sousa A, Fernández JM, Gómez F, Unda M, Carballido J, Carrero V, Fernandez T, García de Jalón Á, Solsona E, Inman B, Palou J. Hyperthermic Mitomycin C in Intermediate-risk Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: Results of the HIVEC-1 Trial. European Urology Oncology. 2023; 6(1). DOI:10.1016/j.euo.2022.10.008. PMID:36435738. IF:8,300 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Artiles A, Dominguez A, Subiela JD, Boissier R, Campi R, Prudhomme T, Pecoraro A, Breda A, Burgos FJ, Territo A, Hevia V, EAU T. Kidney Transplant Outcomes in Elderly Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 51DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2023.02.011. PMID:37006961. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Review.
-Asero V, Krajewski W, Pradere B, D’Andrea D, Moschini M, Soria F, Gallioli A, Basran S, Chung BI, Del Giudice F. Comment on: “Do perioperative blood transfusions impact oncological outcomes of robot-assisted radical cystectomy with intracorporeal urinary diversion? Results from a large multi-institutional registry”. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(2). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05317-X. PMID:36999841. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Asero V, Scornajenghi CM, Carino D, Pandolfo SD, Krajewski W, Gallioli A, Basran S, Tresh A, Chung BI, Del Giudice F. Comment on: “Stage-dependent survival in patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical cystectomy”. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(5). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05529-5. PMID:37530677. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Note.
-Asero V, Scornajenghi CM, Krajewski W, Szydelko T, Malkiewicz B, Nowak L, Gallioli A, Basran S, Chung BI, del Giudice F, European Assoc Urol EAU Young A. Comment on: “Animal model assessment of a new design for a coated mitomycin-eluting biodegradable ureteral stent for intracavitary instillation as an adjuvant therapy in upper urothelial carcinoma”. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(3). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05354-5. PMID:37221829. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Asimakopoulos AD, Kochergin M, Colalillo G, Fahmy O, Hassan F, Renninger M, Gallioli A, Gavrilov P, Gakis G. New Intravesical Agents for BCG-Unresponsive High-Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. Bladder Cancer. 2023; 9(3). DOI:10.3233/BLC-230043. IF:1,000 (Q4/8D). Document type: Review.
-Aumatell J, Schwartzmann I, Bravo A, Subiela JD, Farré A, Moncada E, Martínez MJ, Palou J, Breda A, Roca JPD. Natural history of renal angiomyolipoma in a high-volume center: our experience during more than 15 years of follow up. INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY. 2023; DOI:10.1007/s11255-023-03839-z. PMID:38085409. IF:1,800 (Q3/6D). Document type: Article.
-Baboudjian M, Breda A, Roumeguere T, Uleri A, Roche JB, Touzani A, Lacetera V, Beauval JB, Diamand R, Simone G, Windisch O, Benamran D, Fourcade A, Fiard G, Durand C, Roumiguie M, Sanguedolce F, Oderda M, Barret E, Fromont G, Dariane C, Charvet AL, Gondran B, Bastide C, Lechevallier E, Palou J, Ruffion A, Van der Bergh RCN, Peltier A, Ploussard G. Expanding inclusion criteria for active surveillance in intermediate-risk prostate cancer: a machine learning approach. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023; 41(5). DOI:10.1007/s00345-023-04353-8. PMID:36920491. IF:2,800 (Q2/3D). Document type: Article.
-Baboudjian M, Pradere B, Martin N, Gondran B, Angerri O, Boucheron T, Bastide C, Emiliani E, Misrai V, Breda A, Lechevallier E. Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable and Disposable Cystoscopes: A Path to Greener Urological Procedures. European Urology Focus. 2023; 9(4). DOI:10.1016/j.euf.2022.12.006. PMID:36543725. IF:4,800 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Baboudjian M, Territo A, Gallioli A, Verri P, Aumatell J, Izquierdo P, Uleri A, Tedde A, Basile G, Gaya JM, Huguet J, Rodriguez O, Sanguedolce F, Algaba F, Palou J, Breda A. Long-Term Oncologic Outcomes of Endoscopic Management of High-Risk Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: The Fundacio Puigvert’s Experience. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY. 2023; 37(9). DOI:10.1089/end.2023.0092. PMID:37310884. IF:2,900 (Q1/3D). Document type: Article.
-Basile G, de Angelis M, Leni R, Re C, Longoni M, Mari A, Soria F, Pradere B, Del Giudice F, Laukhtina E, D’Andrea D, Mori K, Krajewski W, Albisinni S, Gallioli A, Breda A, Esperto F, Briganti A, Montorsi F, Moschini M, Carando R, European Assoc Urology A. Implications for diagnosis and treatment strategies in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer with variant histology: a systematic review. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(3). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05091-7. PMID:36946716. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Review.
-Bedke J, Black PC, Szabados B, Guerrero F, Shariate SF, Xylinas E, Brinkmann J, Blake JA, Cesari R, Redorta JP. Optimizing outcomes for high-risk, non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: The evolving role of PD-(L)1 inhibition. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS. 2023; 41(12). DOI:10.1016/j.urolonc.2023.10.004. PMID:37968169. IF:2,400 (Q2/4D). Document type: Review.
-Beijert IJ, Cheng L, Liedberg F, Plass K, Williamson SR, Gontero P, Ribal MJ, Babjuk M, Black PC, Kamat AM, Algaba F, Berman DM, Hartmann A, Masson A, Roupret M, Lopez A, Samaratunga H, Shariat SF, Mostafid AH, Varma M, Shen S, Burgerf M, Tsuzuki T, Palouf J, Comperat EM, Sylvester RJ, van der Kwastae TH, van BWG, Downes MR. International Opinions on Grading of Urothelial Carcinoma: A Survey Among European Association of Urology and International Society of Urological Pathology Members. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 52DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2023.03.019. PMID:37284047. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Beijert IJ, Hentschel AE, Brundl J, Comperat EM, Plass K, Rodriguez O, Henriquez JDS, Henraquez V, de la Pena E, Alemany I, Turturica D, Pisano F, Soria F, Capoun O, Bauerova L, Pesl M, Bruins HM, Runneboom W, Herdegen S, Breyer J, Brisuda A, Calatrava A, Rubio J, Seles M, Mannweiler S, Bosschieter J, Kusuma VRM, Ashabere D, Huebner N, Cotte J, Mertens LS, Claps F, Masson A, Liedberg F, Cohen D, Lunelli L, Cussenot O, El Sheikh S, Volanis D, Cote JF, Roupret M, Haitel A, Shariat SF, Mostafid AH, Nieuwenhuijzen JA, Zigeuner R, Dominguez JL, Hacek J, Zlotta AR, Zigeuner M, Evert M, Hulsbergen CA, van der Heijden AG, Kiemeney L, Soukup V, Molinaro L, Gontero P, Llorente C, Algaba F, Palou J, N’Dow J, Ribal MJ, van der Kwast TH, Babjuk M, Sylvester RJ, van BWG. Prognosis of Primary Papillary Ta Grade 3 Bladder Cancer in the Non-muscle-invasive Spectrum. European Urology Oncology. 2023; 6(2). DOI:10.1016/j.euo.2023.01.004. PMID:36670042. IF:8,300 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Beijert IJ, Hentschel AE, Bründl J, Compérat EM, Plass K, Rodriguez O, Henríquez JDS, Hernández V, de la Peña E, Alemany I, Turturica D, Pisano F, Soria F, Capoun O, Bauerová L, Pesl M, Bruins HM, Runneboom W, Herdegen S, Breyer J, Brisuda A, Calatrava A, Rubio J, Seles M, Mannweiler S, Bosschieter J, Kusuma VRM, Ashabere D, Huebner N, Cotte J, Contieri R, Mertens LS, Claps F, Masson A, Liedberg F, Cohen D, Lunelli L, Cussenot O, El Sheikh S, Volanis D, Côté JF, Roupret M, Haitel A, Shariat SF, Mostafid AH, Nieuwenhuijzen JA, Zigeuner R, Dominguez JL, Hacek J, Zlotta AR, Burger M, Evert M, van de Kaa CA, van der Heijden AG, Kiemeney L, Soukup V, Molinaro L, Gontero P, Llorente C, Algaba F, Palou J, N’Dow J, Ribal MJ, van der Kwast TH, Babjuk M, Sylvester RJ, van BWG. Second TURB, restaging TURB or repeat TURB in primary T1 non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: impact on prognosis?. INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY. 2023; DOI:10.1007/s11255-023-03867-9. PMID:37980689. IF:1,800 (Q3/6D). Document type: Article.
-Bertolo R, Pecoraro A, Carbonara U, Amparore D, Diana P, Muselaers S, Marchioni M, Mir MC, Antonelli A, Badani K, Breda A, Challacombe B, Kaouk J, Mottrie A, Porpiglia F, Porter J, Minervini A, Campi R, European Assoc Urol Young A. Resection Techniques During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy: A Systematic Review. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 52. DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2023.03.008. PMID:37182118. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Review.
-Boissier R, Rodriguez O, Zakri RH, Hevia V, Budde K, Figueiredo A, García EL, Olsburgh J, Regele H, Yuan CY, Breda A. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Interventions on Nephrolithiasis in Transplanted Kidney. European Urology Focus. 2023; 9(3). DOI:10.1016/j.euf.2022.11.019. PMID:36567234. IF:4,800 (Q1/2D). Document type: Review.
-Borque Á, Gaya JM, Esteban LM, Gómez J, García R, Agreda F, Gallioli A, Verri P, Ortiz FJ, Amir BF, Osman I, Gil P, Arrabal M, Gómez Á, Campos F, Guerrero F, Rubio J, on behalf of Grupo Cooperativo de Registro Nacional Cancer Pene (. Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Penile Cancer: Results from the Spanish National Registry of Penile Cancer. Cancers. 2023; 15(3):616. DOI:10.3390/cancers15030616. PMID:36765574. IF:4,500 (Q1/3D). Document type: Article.
-Borràs J, Alonso C, Vives A, Palou J. Neisseria meningitidis and the increase of oral sex. A case report. Revista Internacional de Andrologia. 2023; 21(1):100323. DOI:10.1016/j.androl.2021.02.010. PMID:36307367. IF:0,800 (Q4/10D). Document type: Article.
-Brassetti A, Anceschi U, Cozzi G, Chavarriaga J, Gavrilov P, Sopena JMG, Bove AM, Prata F, Ferriero M, Mastroianni R, Misuraca L, Tuderti G, Torregiani G, Covotta M, Camacho D, Musi G, Varela R, Breda A, De Cobelli O, Simone G. Combined Reporting of Surgical Quality and Cancer Control after Surgical Treatment for Penile Tumors with Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection: The Tetrafecta Achievement. Current Oncology. 2023; 30(2). DOI:10.3390/curroncol30020146. PMID:36826107. IF:2,800 (Q2/5D). Document type: Article.
-Bravi CA, Rosiello G, Mazzone E, Minervini A, Mari A, Di F, Bensalah K, Peyronnet B, Khene Z-E, Schiavina R, Bianchi L, Mottrie A, De Naeyer G, Antonelli A, Furlan M, Rha KH, Almujalhem A, Derweesh I, Bradshaw A, Kaouk J, Sawczyn G, Bertolo R, Breda A, Montorsi F, Capitanio U, Larcher A, Junior ERUS/Young Academic Urologist Working Group on Robot S. The IRON Study: Investigation of Robot-assisted Versus Open Nephron-sparing Surgery. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 49. DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2022.12.017. PMID:36874602. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Bravo A, Fontanet S, Skolarikos A, Gozen AS, Somani BK, Traxer O, Papatsoris A, AGUSTIN M, Keller EX, Pietropaolo A, Tonyali S, Tailly T, Esperto F, Liatsikos E, Kanashiro AK, Angerri O, Emiliani E. Estimated Radiation Dose to the Lens During Endourologic Procedures: The Role of Leaded Glasses and the ALARA Protocol-An ESU/ESUT-YAU Endourology Group Collaboration. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY. 2023; 37(8). DOI:10.1089/end.2023.0061. PMID:37337653. IF:2,900 (Q1/3D). Document type: Article.
-Breda A, Gallioli A, Diana P, Fontana M, Territo A, Gaya JM, Rodriguez O, Huguet J, Piana A, Verri P, Baboudjian M, Aumatell J, Algaba F, Palou J. The DEpth of Endoscopic Perforation scale to assess intraoperative perforations during transurethral resection of bladder tumor: subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023; 41(10). DOI:10.1007/s00345-022-04052-w. PMID:35665840. IF:2,800 (Q2/3D). Document type: Article.
-Buffi N, Paciotti M, Gallagher AG, Diana P, De Groote R, Lughezzani G, Gallioli A, Casale P, Palou J, Mottrie A, Breda A. European training in urology (ENTRY): quality-assured training for European urology residents. BJU INTERNATIONAL. 2023; 131(2). DOI:10.1111/bju.15928. PMID:36337002. IF:3,700 (Q1/2D). Document type: Letter.
-Campi R, Pecoraro A, Vignolini G, Spatafora P, Sebastianelli A, Sessa F, Li V, Territo A, Decaestecker K, Breda A, Serni S, RAKT C, European Assoc Urology EAU Y, EAU Robotic Urology S. The First Entirely 3D-Printed Training Model for Robot-assisted Kidney Transplantation: The RAKT Box. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 53. DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2023.05.012. PMID:37304228. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Candela L, Keller EX, Pietropaolo A, Esperto F, Juliebø P, Emiliani E, De Coninck V, Tailly T, Talso M, Tonyali S, Sener ET, Hameed BMZ, Tzelves L, Mykoniatis I, Tsaturyan A, Salonia A, Ventimiglia E. New Technologies in Endourology and Laser Lithotripsy: The Need for Evidence in Comprehensive Clinical Settings. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(17):5709. DOI:10.3390/jcm12175709. PMID:37685776. IF:3,000 (Q1/2D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Castellani D, Fong KY, Lim EJ, Chew B, Tailly T, Emiliani E, Teoh JYC, Chai CA, Heng CT, Keat W, Tanidir Y, Ragoori D, Galosi AB, Singh A, Bin S, Traxer O, Somani BK, Gauhar V. Comparison Between Holmium:YAG Laser with MOSES Technology vs Thulium Fiber Laser Lithotripsy in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery for Kidney Stones in Adults: A Propensity Score-matched Analysis From the FLEXible Ureteroscopy Outcomes Registry. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023; 210(2). DOI:10.1097/JU.0000000000003504. PMID:37126223. IF:5,900 (Q1/1D). Document type: Article.
-Castellani D, Somani BK, Ferretti S, Gatti C, Sekerci CA, Madarriaga YQ, Fong KY, Campobasso D, Ragoori D, Shrestha A, Vaddi CM, Bhatia TP, Sinha MM, Lim EJ, Teoh JY, Griffin S, Tur AB, Tanidir Y, Traxer O, Gauhar V. Role of Preoperative Ureteral Stent on Outcomes of Retrograde Intra-Renal Surgery (RIRS) in Children. Results From a Comparative, Large, Multicenter Series. UROLOGY. 2023; 173. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2022.11.019. PMID:36460062. IF:2,100 (Q2/5D). Document type: Article.
-Castellani D, Traxer O, Ragoori D, Galosi AB, De Stefano V, Gadzhiev N, Tanidir Y, Inoue T, Emiliani E, Bin S, Lakmichi MA, Vaddi CM, Heng CT, Soebhali B, More S, Sridharan V, Gokce MI, Tursunkulov AN, Ganpule A, Pirola GM, Naselli A, Aydin C, Chillon FRD, Mendoza CS, Candela L, Chew B, Somani BK, Gauhar V. Improving Outcomes of Same-sitting Bilateral Flexible Ureteroscopy for Renal Stones in Real-world Practice-Lessons Learnt from Global Multicenter Experience of 1250 Patients. European Urology Open Science. 2023; 52. DOI:10.1016/j.euros.2023.03.018. PMID:37284041. IF:3,200 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Castellarnau S, Gaya JM, Espinosa J, Sierra P, Huguet J, Palou J, Hernando D, Sabaté S, Breda A. Clinical impact of the suspension of the ERAS protocol on patients undergoing radical cystectomy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Actas Urologicas Espanolas. 2023; 47(6). DOI:10.1016/j.acuroe.2023.01.006. PMID:36842706. IF:1,200 (Q3/8D). Document type: Article.
-Castellarnau S, Gaya JM, Espinosa J, Sierra P, Huguet J, Palou J, Hernando D, Sabate S, Breda A. Clinical impact of the suspension of the ERAS protocol on patients undergoing radical cystectomy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Actas Urologicas Espanolas. 2023; 47(6). DOI:10.1016/j.acuro.2023.01.005. PMID:36776227. IF:1,200 (Q3/8D). Document type: Article.
-Chai C-A, Teoh Y-C, Tailly T, Emiliani E, Inoue T, Tanidir Y, Gadzhiev N, Bin S, Ong WL, Shrestha A, Ragoori D, Lakmichi MA, Gorelov D, Soebhali B, Vaddi CM, Bhatia TP, Desai D, Durai P, Heng C-T, Chew B, Castellani D, Somani B, Traxer O, Gauhar V, TOWER G. Influence of pre-stenting on RIRS outcomes. Inferences from patients of the Global Multicentre Flexible Ureteroscopy Outcome Registry (FLEXOR). Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(4). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05239-4. PMID:37293816. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Checcucci E, Verri P, Amparore D, Cacciamani GE, Fiori C, Breda A, Porpiglia F. Generative Pre-training Transformer Chat (ChatGPT) in the scientific community: the train has left the station. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(2). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.23.05326-0. PMID:36883768. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Checcucci E, Verri P, Amparore D, Cacciamani GE, Rivas JG, Autorino R, Mottrie A, Breda A, Porpiglia F. The future of robotic surgery in urology: from augmented reality to the advent of metaverse. Therapeutic Advances in Urology. 2023; 15:17562872231151853. DOI:10.1177/17562872231151853. PMID:36744045. IF:2,600 (Q2/4D). Document type: Letter.
-Chew BH, Jung HU, Emiliani E, Miller LE, Miller AL, Bhojani N. Complication Risk of Endourological Procedures: The Role of Intrarenal Pressure. UROLOGY. 2023; 181DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2023.08.011. PMID:37673408. IF:2,100 (Q2/5D). Document type: Editorial Material.
-Crocerossa F, Autorino R, Derweesh I, Carbonara U, Cantiello F, Damiano R, Rubio J, Roupret M, Breda A, Volpe A, Mir MC, European Section of Urologic U. Management of renal cell carcinoma in transplant kidney: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(1). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.22.04881-9. PMID:36094386. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Article.
-Croghan SM, Somani BK, Considine SW, Breen K, McGuire BB, Manecksha RP, Gauhar V, Hameed BZ, O’Meara S, Emiliani E, Autrán AM, Agarwal D, Sener TE, O’Brien FJ, Streeper NM, Seitz C, Davis NF. Perceptions and Practice Patterns of Urologists Relating to Intrarenal Pressure During Ureteroscopy: Findings from a Global Cross-Sectional Analysis. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY. 2023; 37(11). DOI:10.1089/end.2023.0346. PMID:37725588. IF:2,900 (Q1/3D). Document type: Article.
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-Del Giudice F, Asero V, Bologna E, Scornajenghi CM, Carino D, Dolci V, Viscuso P, Salciccia S, Sciarra A, D’Andrea D, Pradere B, Moschini M, Mari A, Albisinni S, Krajewski W, Szydelko T, Malkiewicz B, Nowak L, Laukhtina E, Gallioli A, Mertens LS, Marcq G, Cimadamore A, Afferi L, Soria F, Mori K, Tully KH, Pichler R, Ferro M, Tataru OS, Autorino R, Crivellaro S, Crocetto F, Busetto GM, Basran S, Eisenberg ML, Chung BI, De Berardinis E. Efficacy of Different Bacillus of Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Strains on Recurrence Rates among Intermediate/High-Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancers (NMIBCs): Single-Arm Study Systematic Review, Cumulative and Network Meta-Analysis. Cancers. 2023; 15(7):1937. DOI:10.3390/cancers15071937. PMID:37046598. IF:4,500 (Q1/3D). Document type: Review.
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-Prudhomme T, Boissier R, Hevia V, Campi R, Pecoraro A, Breda A, Territo A, the EAU Young Academic Urologist (YAU) group of Kidney Transplant -. Native nephrectomy and arterial embolization of native kidney in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients: indications, timing and postoperative outcomes. Minerva Urology And Nephrology. 2023; 75(1). DOI:10.23736/S2724-6051.22.04972-2. PMID:36094388. IF:4,900 (Q1/2D). Document type: Review.
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(JIF 2022)