Institut de Recerca Sant Pau - Centre CERCA
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The IR Sant Pau Celebrates with Mariona at the Tibidabo Amusement Park the Women and Girls in Science Festival

From the Sant Pau Research Institute, we would like to invite you to the Women and Girls in Science Festival on 9 February at the Panoramic Area of the Tibidabo Amusement Park. A free-entry event for the whole family where boys and girls will discover the world of research and medicine through workshops, activities, and talks. For more information, please visit the Festival’s website.



L’IR Sant Pau aconsegueix una ajuda d’1,4 milions d’euros per millorar la seva Unitat d’Investigació Clínica

L’Institut de Recerca Sant Pau (IR Sant Pau) ha estat beneficiat amb una ajuda d’1.406.625 euros per part de l’Institut de Salut Carlos III de Madrid (ISCIII). Aquest suport econòmic es destinarà a modernitzar i millorar la Unitat d’Investigació Clínica del centre, reforçant la seva capacitat per dur a terme estudis d’alta qualitat i donar resposta a les necessitats dels pacients. L’ajuda s’emmarca en un projecte de l’ISCIII per impulsar la investigació a Espanya, tant mitjançant la millora de les unitats ja existents com amb la creació de noves.



The Sant Pau Research Institute Hosts a New Edition of Its Research Day

One more year, the Sant Pau Research Institute (IR Sant Pau) celebrated a new edition of its Research Day, an event aimed at reaffirming the center’s position as a leader in biomedical research and scientific innovation. The gathering brought together research leaders, healthcare professionals, and technology experts to discuss the latest advancements transforming healthcare.



High Mountains and Research Join Forces to Fight Thrombosis

What connection could there possibly be between thrombosis, a severe disease that causes one death every minute in Europe, and high-altitude mountains? Much more than we might imagine. At high altitudes, environmental conditions such as hypoxia and extreme physical effort can trigger physiological responses that increase the risk of blood clot formation, a situation similar to what people affected by thrombosis experience.



The Sant Pau Research Institute Leads a Pioneering Clinical Trial to Treat Cancer in Patients with Fanconi Anemia

The Sant Pau Research Institute (IR) will launch a new Phase I/IIB clinical trial for patients with Fanconi anemia diagnosed with head and neck cancer. The study, known as the AFAN trial (EU CT No.: 2024-511477-29-00), is led by Dr. Jordi Surrallés, head of the Cancer Predisposition Syndromes Group, scientific director of the IR Sant Pau, and professor in the Department of Genetics and Microbiology at the UAB.


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